dermagaFm | Radio Streaming Kalbar
dermagaFm | Radio Streaming Kalbar
dermagaFm | Radio Streaming Kalbar

Young People Ready to Always Preserve Local Culture

Rian and Beny

Sekadau, - Local culture is currently in a disadvantageous condition, as a result of current technological advances. This was felt by the generation before the current generation. Even so, there are still several generations of Z today who are in concert with ethnic music, namely Rian and Beny.

Rian was interested in sapek music because of the unique sound produced by sapek, which is a traditional musical instrument, which originated from the Dayak people in Kalimantan.

"I started playing sapek around 2015 until now and why I am interested in this sapek musical instrument, first of all, because the sound is unique, also sapek music is a traditional musical instrument that we must preserve, especially this sapek music, especially the Dayak people in Kalimantan. " said Rian

In line with Rian, Boni also said that as a young person, he was very supportive of the existence of the Pier Traditional School in Sekadau. 

In line with Rian, Boni also said that as a young person, he was very supportive of the existence of the Pier Traditional School in Sekadau. 

"Especially for young people and I am ready to contribute by teaching children and young people who are interested in learning to play the sapek musical instrument, as part of the preservation and development of traditional culture, which I am clearly ready to support," Boni concluded.

Yes, the existence of a traditional school in Sekadau which is supported by Dana Indonesiana, the Ministry of Culture and the Education Fund Management Institution, aims to preserve local culture and its students are elementary, junior high and high school children as well as the general public. (Ika)

Editor: Radio Manager

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